At Key Stage One, we provide our children with a smooth transition from Reception into a more formal, but nurturing approach to teaching and learning. Following on from the Early Years Foundation Stage, our child-centred approach gives each child a part in shaping their own learning environment. Children are listened to, and as a result, they in turn learn to value other people’s opinions and work together as a stronger and more harmonious team. Our creative approach to the curriculum allows children to make links between all aspects of their learning around a given topic each term. This enables them to grow in confidence and strengthens their knowledge of the areas covered in each unit of work. As a creative and forward thinking school, we strive to give a broad range of opportunities both in and out of the classroom. Children are encouraged to read every day and daily homework is also given. We are proud of our school, where we foster a family and friendly atmosphere, and learning is fun and exciting.
Our focus is to create a happy place, an inspirational environment that fosters a passion for learning, creativity and achievement.
Hampton Preparatory School – Designed by Fix25Ng
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