What a delight to see you taking a closer look at the school!
Our doors were opened on the 11th of September 2017 and it has been amazing to see how quickly we are growing.
At Hampton Preparatory School we strive to be the best at what we do. We are a small, independent day school for children from the age of three months in our snowdrops room to Year 8 in our upper school. The progress of every child is very important to us therefore we tailor learning individually to cater for each child. The size of our classes give us the opportunity to do this effectively.
We start with the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum and continue with the English National Curriculum. These programs are strictly followed and the delivery of the lessons in Hampton Prep are comparable with the outstanding schools in the UK and around the world. We also incorporate a good understanding of Nigerian history and culture making as many links wherever possible to give the children a good knowledge of the home country.
For those wanting their children to further their studies in the UK, we provide support with entrance exams and taster sessions to ensure a smooth transition to a range of the top secondary schools. Also, as part of our goal to achieve excellence, Hampton children will be prepared and entered for global challenges and competitions in Math, Science, Writing and Technology.
At Hampton Prep, we pride ourselves on continuous improvement and reflection. Since the birth of the school, we have adopted a training culture where all members of staff frequently take part in approved and quality training by specialised professionals, to ensure that they are equipped to keep providing the best for every child in our school.
We are an inclusive school where we love and value the individuality of all children. We have taken all steps to create a nurturing and caring environment where all children feel safe and loved. Staff enjoy the tight community feel here at Hampton Prep and this has a direct impact on their relationship with the children. Our children are clearly happy children! Music and Languages are important at our school and we have made excellent provisions for these. We also have a range of extracurricular activities led by reputable professionals that help the children identify and develop their talents and skills.
Our focus is to create a happy place, an inspirational environment that fosters a passion for learning, creativity and achievement.
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